Welcome to Community Connect. Connecting people to jobs.
Find the perfect person for the job with Community Connect. Community Connect is designed to assist you in finding a job, either full-time, part-time, or just an hour a week. This site is all about communities helping one another. When communities prospers, everyone prospers.
We actively pursue new and different ways to further Community Connect’s mission.
We are innovative
We will grow and develop with you and adapt to your needs. We forge our own path by challenging the status quo.
Core Values
Trust — To act and behave in a manner that instils confidence and good faith
Honesty — To act with integrity when dealing with our clients
Respect — To treat everyone with compassion and understanding
Loyalty — To build long-term partnerships built on mutual respect
Excellence — To carry out our work to highest possible standard
Meet Our Team
Craig Davies
CEO & Founder
I had an idea and I ran with it…
Sydney, AU
Debra Davies
General Manager
He had the idea and I do all the work…
Sydney, AU
Kate Woods
Administration Manager
Not so sure about all the work, Debra…
Sydney, AU
Emily Quigley
Social Media Manager
I create it…
Sydney, AU
Lynette Davies
Training Manager
And I train it…
Sydney, AU
Office Mascots
Major distractions ☺
Sydney, AU
Office Mascots
Major distractions ☺
Sydney, AU
Meet Our Team
Craig Davies
CEO & Founder
After relocating to the area many years ago, Craig saw first-hand the problems with staffing and employment. He looked to find a way to connect to the community and “Community Connect” was born.
With over 40 years of Sale & Marketing experience in Publishing and Hospitality, lets hope he can use it for the good of mankind.
I had an idea, and I ran with it…☺
Debra Davies
General Manager
Yes, Craig's wife and an integral part of the team. They have worked together with various businesses for many years and make a great partnership. Debra has 40 plus years of administration and management experience, 35 of those just putting up with Craig. If you ask Debra, Craig has the ideas, but she does all the work, I guess that's marriage…☺
Kate Woods
Administration Manager
Kate managed Holiday Rentals for the largest Real Estate agent in the area and she knows only too well how difficult it can be to get people, from cleaners to builders and everything in between. When we spoke to her about Community Connect there was no question she was on board. Her wealth of knowledge is a huge asset to the business. Kate also said we couldn’t survive without her…☺
Emily Quigley
Social Media Manager
With vast experience in all social media platforms, we realise that a high degree of success will fall on Emily’s shoulders, these mediums are the make or break of many a business. Needless to say, we love her and do anything to keep her happy…..well, within reason ☺
Lynette Davies
Training Manager
Lynette has forgotten more than most will learn, her experience in training and personal development is legendary and we are thrilled to have her write our training manuals which we hope you will find useful…and yes, she is Craig’s mother
Ollie & Tilly
Office Mascots
Major distractions ☺
People coming together as a community can make things happen.